Friday, January 14, 2011


Why hello,
There's yet another show at our lovely space, on the 30th of Jan! HOLD THA ANCHOVIES features new video, sculpture, costume and illustration work from.......KT SPIT, TARA PATTENDEN, SAM WHETTON, KATE GECK, EMILY HASSELHOOF AND OKAPI NEON. The show looks at.....brat culture, Everyday Fetishes and Very Normal Phobias, allergies 2 life, and infinite customisation. What does that even mean? Who even cares. We made it, you'll see it, maybe it will beimportant to join the dots one day in the future. There's also live performance from o f F (berlin) horse macguyver ( WITCH HOUSE - so hot right now), tuff ghost and baaddd (the name says it all). From 6pm for a mere cheeky gold coin and twinkle in the eye. xoxoxox

Thursday, January 6, 2011

FORCEFIELDS: pictures!

Thanks to everyone who came, it ended up being SO FUN!
Nicola Morton's work: "LOVE HYPNOSIS EXCHANGE"

 Ross Manning's Light Sculpture

 Laura Hill's Collages

 Holly Fluxx and Oliver of Sky from their blog Utah Jazz Dance

 Emily Hasselhoof

 Kate Geck